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Prinses Máxima Centrum

Science Night: Late effects

In accordance with national guidelines, the Science night on March 26th 2020 is cancelled. The event will be held at a later moment this year. 
At the entrance you are welcomes by the receptionist. In the restaurants the catering employees help you with your order. And of course you often visit your doctor and you see the nurses everyday. Probably you have met many of the employees of the Princess Máxima Center. But did you know that in the research wing there are over 300 employess that you have not met yet?

Hidden behind their microscopes or compouter screens are scientists working on research projects about pediatric oncology. Only if we understand the nature of nature, what it is and what it looks like, we can find out how to combat is.

Too complex? No worries!

Scientific research seems complex and unaccesible untill somebody explains it to you. Our researchers are happy to talk about their projects and explain to you what keeps them busy every day. 

We invite parents and loved ones of children who have cancer, or have had cancer, to come to our thematic Science Nights, which we organize in dialogue with the VOKK and client council. Join us one night or visit all four of them. Listen to the stories and meet our researchers. The research of today will shape the care of tomorrow.

The presentations will be in Dutch.

Science Night: Late effects.

March 26, 2020; 19.30-21.30h – Cancelled


Princess Máxima Center for pediatric oncology

Heidelberglaan 25

3584 CS Utrecht