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Children’s Advisory Board: a voice for all patients

Our center has a Children's Advisory Board (abbreviated as KAR in Dutch). They have (had) childhood cancer themselves or have someone close to them (such as a brother or sister) with cancer. They ensure that all children at the Máxima center have a voice. Because they are obviously the most important people in our center and need to be heard.
YouTube video: h1ZtpaGApbI




The KAR meets every two months to discuss the issues that children find important at the Princess Máxima Center. Sometimes they come up with topics themselves, sometimes there are questions from the staff and sometimes children have questions. The KAR meets three times a year with the Board of Directors to discuss all important topics, such as nutrition. They also share their thoughts on how to inform children, by being part of the process when animation videos or leaflets are made.

Contact with the Children's Advisory Board

Crucial for the success of the KAR is the help of children in the Máxima Center. They share their thoughts on many things. If you have a great idea, a request or just a message for the KAR, feel free to contact them:

  • You can send a DM on Instagram
  • You can send an email to kinderadviesraad@prinsesmaximacentrum.nl
  • You can put a note in one of the five KAR mailboxes. You will find them on the day treatment, waiting room on the 2nd and 3rd floor, the teen lounge and later outpatient clinic.
The team is supervised by Janneke Kuin, official secretary. She's present on Mondays and Fridays.