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18-02-2019 Cardiotoxicity risks vary per chemotherapy type
14-02-2019 Suspicious spots on the lungs do not behave like metastases of rhabdomyosarcoma
13-02-2019 Single-cell sequencing explained: RTV Utrecht Interview
12-02-2019 Gene involved in colorectal cancer also causes breast cancer
06-02-2019 Survival Rate of Children with Acute Myeloid Leukemia Nearly Doubles
05-02-2019 Kids Advisory Board: we take the lead
04-02-2019 February 4th World Cancer Day - February 15th International Childhood Cancer Day
30-01-2019 Ruben van Boxtel and Jarno Drost join Oncode
18-01-2019 Succesful kick-off meeting PanCareFollowUp
17-01-2019 Olaf Heidenreich receives grant to target acute myeloid leukemia
21-12-2018 KWF awards €1.25 million to Princess Máxima Center researchers
19-12-2018 New treatment strategy for neuroblastoma: ‘increased chance of survival’